Upcoming Runs, Rallies and Register Events
7th of February- Twilight Run to Warburton.
19th of February- T and Y Register meeting at the clubrooms.
16th of April-T and Y Register Meeting at the clubrooms.
18th of June- T and Y Register Meeting at the clubrooms.
10th of August – Annual Presidents Run. ( delayed from July due to Presidents availability).
20th of August- T and Y Register Meeting at the clubrooms.
13/14th of September- 58th Springtime Rally to Shepparton.
22nd of October -T and Y Register Meeting at the clubrooms.
7th of December -XPAGMUS Christmas Function.
Technical Files
T Type SU Needle Charts (pdf 116KB)
Tuning a T Type (pdf 93KB)
TC Maintenance Schedule (Useful for TD and TF also) (pdf 76KB)